My family absolutely loves this soup! I serve it with a side of warm french bread or corn bread. It's fulfilling, hearty and easy. You can make this soup...
This recipe is so easy it practically makes itself! It is a rich, hearty, beefy flavor and if you prefer something a little less rich in flavor and less...
Still working on more hearty soups for my Instant Pot! This is a delicious soup and so simple, right out of the Instant Pot! Tip: Allow enough time for...
With a notable Vietnamese population in Houston, Pho houses are becoming increasingly abundant and popular. This noodle soup is a complete meal and highly...
The guys like this soup and so do I. This is what got me started on meatballs. Easy soup to make and can be done and ready to eat in less than an hour....
This is another quick, simple, recipe from It goes together really fast because you use frozen meatballs and just open several...
I have some left over Bonnie's French Dip so I am making some Beef Barley Soup...YUMMMM We love Beef Barley Soup during this time of year...This is a savory...
My Grandma Hanks taught my Dad how to make this when he was six years old, and he taught me when i was that age, I am the third generation making this...
My husband surprised me with this soup. He really doesn't like soup but he actually liked this one. He found the recipe on and it was submitted...
This is another recipe that I found while browsing through some magazines. Although when I made it I cut back on the heat by reducing the amount of pepper...
Best Suited for: Pot Luck/Buffet,Cook once eat twice, What could be more satisfying than a big bowl of hearty stew? One Traditional Braised Beef Stew recipe...
A winter beef soup with lots of flavor. This is a soup, not a stew, that is easily thrown together in your electric pressure cooker. The pressure cooking...
As I said on my Onion Ring recipe, "sometimes I get a hankering for onions." I had three nice fresh onions calling to me from the kitchen the other night,...
En Espanol, this soup is called Caldo de Bolas de Verde. It is a specialty of Ecuador. It consists of balls made from green plantains, stuffed with stew...
This is the easiest and tastiest stew you will EVER eat ... while I was never a big fan, this has become one of our favorite winter meals ... add cornbread...
I made this soup years ago, and it has since become a work in progress and it was made with what I had in the pantry at the time. My family just loved...
I can honestly say I've never had a "stewp" before... and it turns out I like them! This cross between a stew and a soup has just the right amount of spices...
This is a great full-flavored beef and barley soup. The red wine gives it just a hint of sweetness and the beef bouillon adds savoriness to the broth....
My grandmother's recipe has finally found it's way to my hands! YAY I made this and it is the absolute best Albondigas I've ever had... The only difference...
My husband is a meat and potatoes kinda guy, so this easy recipe was perfect for him. Increase or decrease the spice to fit your families preference. I...